By connecting for the first time to any page of [sito web], the user will see a brief information on the use of cookies. By closing this information through the appropriate button or by clicking outside the banner that contains it and continuing to navigate, the user consents to our use of cookies, in the manner described in this Cookie Policy.
The site remembers the choice made by the user, therefore the short information will not be repeated in subsequent links from the same device.

What are cookies?
Cookies are small text files created by a server and stored in the memory of your computer. They generally allow:
• the functioning of this website;
• the use of specific features explicitly requested by the user;
• the constant improvement of the browsing experience;
• viewing specific content according to user preferences;

Duration of cookies
Cookies can have an extended duration over time (so-called persistent cookies), but they can also have a limited duration (so-called session cookies). The latter are not stored permanently on your computer and disappear when the browser is closed.

Types of cookies used

Third party cookies
This site acts as an intermediary for third-party cookies (such as buttons for social networks), used to provide additional services and features to visitors and to simplify the use of the site itself, or to provide personalized advertising. This site has no control over these cookies, being entirely managed by third parties, and does not have access to the information collected through these cookies. Information on the use of these cookies and their purposes, as well as on how to disable them, are provided directly by third parties on the pages indicated below.
It is recalled that generally the tracking of users does not involve identification of the same, unless the User is already registered for the service and is also already logged in, in which case it is understood that the user has already expressed his consent directly to the third party when registering for the relevant service (ex. Facebook).
In the following tables, among the characteristics of the cookies used, it will be indicated whether these cookies are from third party or not. We also provide you with links to the relevant information and indications to disable them.

Technical cookies
Technical cookies are used in order to make it possible to browse the site and allow you to use some specific features, such as the authentication required to make a purchase or to navigate in a reserved area. These are always first-party cookies, as they are conveyed directly by the site owner.
Technical cookies do not require the user's consent, as they are essential for the proper functioning of the website.
Their duration generally extends only to the browsing session, however some of them, given the particularity of the functions to which they must perform, may have a further duration. Examples of persistent technical cookies are those that memorize the country of origin and the language, so as not to have to reset them with each new access to the site.
The following technical cookies are currently used on the site:






Questo cookie determina se il browser accetta i cookie.


Preserva g li stati d ell'u ten te n elle d iverse p ag in e d el sito .



Qu esto co o kie vien e u tilizzato p er asseg n are il visitato re ad u n server sp ecifico ; q u esta fu n zio n e è
n ecessaria p er g aran tire l’o p eratività d el sito .


Scrip t tag , p ag in a n u mero d i lin ea so rg en te 14


"Analytics" cookies
Analytics cookies are used to collect statistical information, in aggregate form, on the number of users who access the site and how they navigate within it. They allow, for example, to identify which pages are most visited and which are least visited, in order to provide useful information for implementing processes to optimize the browsing experience. If set in anonymized mode, they can be associated with technical cookies.
The following analytics cookies are currently used on the site:





Reg istra u n ID u n ivo co u tilizzato p er g en erare d ati statistici su co me il visitato re u tilizza il sito in ter
n et.


U tilizzato d a G o o g le An alytics p er limitare la freq u en za d elle rich ieste


Reg istra u n ID u n ivo co u tilizzato p er g en erare d ati statistici su co me il visitato re u tilizza il sito in ter
n et.


U tilizzato p er in viare d ati a G o o g le An alytics in merito al d isp o sitivo e al co mp o rtamen to
d ell'u ten te. Tien e traccia d ell'u ten te su d isp o sitivi e can ali d i marketin g .


Pag in a n u mero d i lin ea so rg en te 14



Co n tien e u n ID visitato re - Qu esto è u sato p er id en tificare il visitato re al mo men to d el rien tro n el


Functional cookies
This type of cookies allow the implementation of additional features on the site, such as videos and interactive live chats. They could be made directly by the site owner or by third party service providers. If the user does not consent to this type of cookies, some features of the site may not be accessible.
Functional cookies are not currently used on the site.

Profiling cookies (marketing)
This type of cookie is generally installed for advertising purposes. They are used to track a consumer profile of the user and show him  ads consistent with his tastes and habits. They work by uniquely identifying the browser and the device. The user has the right not to consent to the enabling of the aforementioned cookies.
The following profiling cookies are currently used on the site:





U tilizzato d a Sh areTh is p er tracciare la n avig azio n e e le p referen ze d el u ten te su l sito w eb - q u esto
avvien e a sco p o d i statistich e in tern e e d i marketin g .


U tilizzato d a Sh areTh is p er tracciare la n avig azio n e e le p referen ze d el u ten te su l sito w eb - q u esto
avvien e a sco p o d i statistich e in tern e e d i marketin g .


Racco g lie d ati statistici relativi alle visite d el sito in tern et d a p arte d ell'u ten te, co me ad esemp io il n
u mero d i visite, il temp o med io sp eso su l sito e q u ali p ag in e so n o state caricate. Lo sco p o è d i su d d ivid ere g li u ten ti d el sito in tern et a
seco n d a d i fatto ri d emo g rafici e g eo g rafici, allo sco p o d i co n sen tire ai med ia e alle ag en zie marketin g d i stru ttu rare e co mp ren d ere i lo
ro g ru p p i targ et p er effettu are p u b b licità o n lin e p erso n alizzate


Racco g lie d ati statistici relativi alle visite d el sito in tern et d a p arte d ell'u ten te, co me ad esemp io il
n u mero d i visite, il temp o med io sp eso su l sito e q u ali p ag in e so n o state caricate. Lo sco p o è d i su d d ivid ere g li u ten ti d el sito in tern et
a seco n d a d i fatto ri d emo g rafici e g eo g rafici, allo sco p o d i co n sen tire ai med ia e alle ag en zie marketin g d i stru ttu rare e co mp ren d ere i
lo ro g ru p p i targ et p er effettu are p u b b licità o n lin e p erso n alizzate.


Racco g lie d ati statistici relativi alle visite d el sito in tern et d a p arte d ell'u ten te, co me ad esemp io il n
u mero d i visite, il temp o med io sp eso su l sito e q u ali p ag in e so n o state caricate. Lo sco p o è d i su d d ivid ere g li u ten ti d el sito in tern et a
seco n d a d i fatto ri d emo g rafici e g eo g rafici, allo sco p o d i co n sen tire ai med ia e alle ag en zie marketin g d i stru ttu rare e co mp ren d ere i lo
ro g ru p p i targ et p er effettu are p u b b licità o n lin e p erso n alizzate.


Racco g lie d ati statistici relativi alle visite d el sito in tern et d a p arte d ell'u ten te, co me ad esemp io il
n u mero d i visite, il temp o med io sp eso su l sito e q u ali p ag in e so n o state caricate. Lo sco p o è d i su d d ivid ere g li u ten ti d el sito in tern et
a seco n d a d i fatto ri d emo g rafici e g eo g rafici, allo sco p o d i co n sen tire ai med ia e alle ag en zie marketin g d i stru ttu rare e co mp ren d ere i
lo ro g ru p p i targ et p er effettu are p u b b licità o n lin e p erso n alizzate.


U tilizzato p er p resen tare al visitato re co n ten u ti e p u b b licità p ertin en ti: il servizio è fo rn ito d a h u b d
i p u b b licità d i terze p arti, ch e facilitan o le o fferte in temp o reale p er g li in serzio n isti.


U tilizzato d alla p iattafo rma p u b b licitaria W eb o rama p er d etermin are g li in teressi d el visitato re su lla
b ase d elle visite alle p ag in e, i co n ten u ti cliccati e altre azio n i su i siti in tern et.

W eb o rama


Reg istra d ati su g li u ten ti, co me p er esemp io in d irizzi IP, p o sizio n e g eo g rafica, siti in tern et visitati e
su q u ali an n u n ci h a cliccato l'u ten te, co n l'o b iettivo d i o ttimizzare g li an n u n ci mo strati, b asan d o si su i mo vimen ti d ell'u ten te su i siti in t
ern et ch e u tilizzan o la stessa rete d i in serzio n i.


U tilizzato p er p resen tare al visitato re co n ten u ti e p u b b licità p ertin en ti: il servizio è fo rn ito d a h u b
d i p u b b licità d i terze p arti, ch e facilitan o le o fferte in temp o reale p er g li in serzio n isti.


Reg istra d ati an o n imizzati su g li u ten ti, co me p er esemp io in d irizzi IP, p o sizio n e g eo g rafica, siti in te
rn et visitati e su q u ali an n u n ci h a cliccato l'u ten te, co n l'o b iettivo d i o ttimizzare g li an n u n ci mo strati, b asan d o si su i mo vimen ti d ell'u te
n te su i siti in tern et ch e u tilizzan o la stessa rete d i in serzio n i.


Racco g lie d ati su lle visite d ell'u ten te su l sito , co me ad esemp io q u ali p ag in e so n o state co n su ltate.
I d ati reg istrati ven g o n o u tilizzati p er classificare l'in teresse d ell'u ten te e p er d efin ire i p ro fili d emo g rafici in termin i d i riven d ita p er
marketin g mirato .


U tilizzato p er p resen tare al visitato re co n ten u ti e p u b b licità p ertin en ti: il servizio è fo rn ito d a h u b d
i p u b b licità d i terze p arti, ch e facilitan o le o fferte in temp o reale p er g li in serzio n isti


U tilizzato p er p resen tare al visitato re co n ten u ti e p u b b licità p ertin en ti: il servizio è fo rn ito d a h u b
d i p u b b licità d i terze p arti, ch e facilitan o le o fferte in temp o reale p er g li in serzio n isti.


Disabling cookies
The user can refuse the use of cookies and can at any time withdraw a consent already provided. Since cookies are stored on the user's device, they can be disabled directly from the browser.

Instructions for disabling cookies from browsers can be found on the following web pages:
Mozilla Firefox - Microsoft Internet Explorer - Microsoft Edge - Google Chrome - Opera - Apple Safari

There are also online tools available that can manage cookies on your behalf. By way of example, allows you to keep track of the tracking technologies on the websites, while allows you to selectively disable the cookies saved in your browser.

Remember, disabling cookies may prevent the correct use of some functions of the site itself. In particular, in the case of this site, the Google map may not be usable.